In this project, I aim to study what light does to change space. Through my investigation process and further projects, I also aim to understand photography’s interaction with my field of study, architecture, and question what photography can contribute to space and the built environment.
My initial investigation (Light Studies) focuses on light, space, time, and color, and my project moves forward with the intent of designing with light (Blinds Series). Light Studies are quick shots of interior and exterior corners, walls, and ceilings, taken right as I saw them. My eye gravitated to interesting light conditions, and analyzing them together shows the diversity of the color white. The smaller scale 6 x 4 inch prints represent their instantaneity and relationship with time, as quick and observational shots that I could learn from and whose concepts I could apply when constructing future photos. Blinds Series, made after my light investigation, offers a different approach on light and space, were I aimed to produce a series of photos that use light as a design element.
This project has allowed me to make observations of what light does to change space, and explore light as a design element rather than an afterthought. My photographic studies of light help contribute to my understanding of light in other mediums and in the architectural design process.